Please click the links below to view the documents:
2024/2025 LCAP - Board Approved June 18, 2024
2024 Local Control Accountability Federal Addendum June 11, 2024
LUESD- CA School Dashboard- Local Indicators - June 2024
2024-2025 University Charter LCAP
University Charter Dashboard- Local Indicators - June 2024
2023/2024 Mid-Year Monitoring Report
Supplement to the Annual Update 2021/2022
Universal Transitional Kindergarten Plan
LUESD Expanded Learning Opportunities Program Plan
University Charter School Expanded Learning Opportunities Program Plan
Learning Continuity and Attendance Plan
Expanded Learning and Opportunity Grant
ESSER III Expenditure Plan Approved October 12, 2021 Updated September 10, 2024
Learning Recovery Emergency Block Grant (LREBG) Interim Expenditure Report November 16, 2024
The Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) is the District’s interactive budgeting process, which helps LUESD identify annual goals, develop strategic actions, and measure progress on academic achievement, school climate and parent engagement.
During the past three years, Lemoore Union Elementary has collected and reviewed data from multiple sources, including student achievement and stakeholder data, to help determine where funding should be targeted for continuous improvement in education. As a result of this comprehensive review, LUESD has made major investments in LCAP initiatives such as
Professional Development, Additional Instructional Time, English Language Development Intervention, Intensive Reading Intervention Support, Health Services, Technology, and Fine Arts.
Stakeholders that would like to have more detailed information can review the Lemoore Union Elementary LCAP document provided above.
Beginning in 2013-14, the state of California brought major changes to the way school funding is allocated, with the goal of channeling greater resources to the students who need them the most. This new funding is called Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) and the Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP). Under California's previous system for funding K-12 schools, there were more than 40 funding categories, each for a specific purpose identified by the state. The LCFF model has established three sources of state funding with increased local control to determine the best use of those funds:
Per-Student Base Funding - The district receives a base level of per-student funding that varies slightly depending on the grade level of each student.
Supplemental Funding - This funding source adds 20 percent to the base funding for each English language learner, low income student and foster youth.
Concentration Funding - The third level of funding is equal to 50 percent of the entire base. However, this funding is only received if a district's enrollment of English language learners, low income students and foster youths exceeds 55 percent of its total enrollment.
The district has established a Parent Advisory Committee (PAC). The PAC will meet four times during the school year. All parents and community members are invited to attend the PAC meetings. The superintendent, director of categorical programs, and/or director of curriculum will host these meetings. The purpose of the PAC is to engage parents in the LCAP planning process, to elicit their input into the district’s LCAP, and to provide them with the opportunity to voice priorities for their students. Spanish translation will be available at each of the meetings. Information regarding the state priorities, the purposes of the funding including the supplemental and concentration funds, along with drafts of the LCAP will be presented to parents. More information can be found here at this link.
The District English Language Advisory Committee (DELAC) provides valuable advice and recommendations to the district and the local governing board on matters related to the education and services for English learners. The DELAC plays a key role in the following areas:
Advising on programs and services for English learners.
Reviewing and providing input on the Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP).
Supporting the development or revision of the district’s plan for education programs and services for English learners, including consideration of the Single Plan for Student Achievement.
Conducting a district-wide needs assessment, evaluating each school’s specific needs.
Advising on the establishment of district programs, goals, and objectives for English learners.
Assisting in the development of a plan to ensure compliance with applicable teacher and instructional aide qualifications.
Overseeing the administration of the annual language census.
Reviewing the district’s reclassification procedures for English learners.
Advising on the written notifications that must be sent to parents and guardians of English learners.
The DELAC serves as an important advisory body to ensure that English learners receive the support and services they need to succeed in the district’s educational programs.
More information can be found here at this link.
COVID-19 Operations Report
Executive Order N-55-20, issued by Governor Newsom on April 22, 2020, empowers schools to focus on responding to COVID-19 and to provide transparency to their communities. The order requires Local Educational Agencies (LEA) to develop a written report to the community that explains how the LEA responded to school closures beginning in March 2020. Below you'll find the Written Report to the Community for LUESD and the University Charter School (UCS) approved by the board on June 16, 2020.