Every spring, the Lemoore Union Elementary School District administers the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) to students in grades three through eighth. It includes three types of mandated tests: Smarter Balanced Assessments, California Alternate Assessments and California Science Assessments. The Smarter Balanced Assessments are in English language arts and mathematics for grades 3 through 8.
While the district must plan to administer the assessment to all students within the 3rd-8th grade range, parents do have the option of opting out of this standardized testing per California Education Code section 60615. If you would like to exclude your child from any or all parts of this year's state-mandated assessments, please print and complete the CAASPP Opt-Out Form below and submit it to the main office of your child's school prior to the CAASPP testing window which begins the last week of April.