Students generally attend the neighborhood school in the school district where their parents live, however parents/guardians may request a transfer to a different school or consider other attendance options.
There are two types of transfers: "intra-district," which is a transfer to another school within the home district, and "inter-district," which is to a school in another district. Each district sets its own policy and regulations regarding transfers, so it is important to check with your local district for specific requirements. There is no guarantee that a request for a transfer will be granted.
Intra-District Transfers (students who live in Lemoore and would like to attend another school within LUESD)
Each school is required to serve the students who live within its attendance area prior to accepting any students from outside its boundary or from outside the district. Students residing inside the district receive priority over students residing outside the district.
The district is not obligated to grant a transfer, and there is no statutory right to appeal if a transfer is denied. Parents are responsible for providing transportation for students on intra-district transfers.
In order to ensure that priorities for enrollment in district schools are implemented in accordance with law, the Board hereby waives the January 1 deadline in Education Code 48354 for all applications for transfer from nonresident parents/guardians of children attending a school on the Open Enrollment List in another district. Transfer applications shall be submitted between February 1 through March 31 of the preceding school year for which the transfer is requested.
(cf. 5111.1 - District Residency)
Intra-District Request Form (pdf)
Approval Process for Open Enrollment from Inside the District
To assure that the approval process for those interested in open enrollment is random and unbiased, a waiting list is maintained for each school. This procedure is implemented as follows:
Parents complete an Intra-District Request Form, and submit it to the district office. Intra-District Forms are available at the district office.
Only one form per family is needed.
Siblings are given first priority to any student whose older sibling attend the school of choice.
Continued Enrollment in a Non-neighborhood School if a student is enrolled in a non-neighborhood school and continued enrollment at that school is desired, a Intra-District Form will need to be completed. Once enrolled in a non-neighborhood school, students and their siblings receive priority at that school for enrollment over all other open enrollment applications. If, for any reason, the school is unable to permit continued enrollment, the principal will notify the parents. (This provision also applies to students whose non-neighborhood school status is the result of a family change of residence within the district.)
Returning to a Neighborhood School or Changing Schools After A School Year Has Begun Students who elect to begin a given academic year at a school other than their neighborhood school may be refused enrollment at their neighborhood school for the balance of the same academic year due to restricted space availability. Students may transfer back to their neighborhood school, or to the school of geographic proximity inside their attendance area, during the school year.
Due to overcrowding, a student may be requested by the district to enroll in a school that is not their assigned neighborhood school. In such cases, students have the right of continued enrollment at their current school. On the other hand, if a family chooses to return when there is space available at their neighborhood school, they can return.
Conditions for approval are:
Parent/guardian assumes responsibility for providing transportation.
Student must make satisfactory academic progress.
Student must maintain regular and punctual attendance.
Student must maintain proper conduct at school and at school-related functions and activities.
Transfers may be revoked at any time if any of the conditions above are not met, if unexpected growth occurs at the school, or if any of the information in the transfer request application has been falsified.
Inter-District Transfers (students who would like to attend a school not in their district)Inter-District Transfer Application Window - February 1 through March 31.
Students who reside outside the Lemoore Union Elementary School District (LUESD) boundaries may apply for enrollment in the LUESD. Applications for Interdistrict Transfers are available from the student’s resident district and require approval from the resident district prior to submitting the request to LUESD.
Inter-district transfers are granted on a space available basis. Once you have an approved inter district transfer on file you do not need to fill a new one out unless your student is transitioning to a new school.
Applications received after March 31st, may be added to the waiting list in the order in which they are received but may not be acted upon until after the start of school.
If your request for transfer is granted, records for returning students will automatically be updated at your requested school. New students to the district will need to enroll as soon as possible online.
Conditions for approval and renewal are:
Parent/guardian assumes responsibility for providing transportation.
Student must make satisfactory academic progress.
Student must maintain regular and punctual attendance.
Student must maintain proper conduct at school and at school-related functions and activities.
Transfers may be revoked at any time if any of the conditions above are not met, if unexpected growth occurs at the school, or if any of the information in the transfer request application has been falsified.
Students who reside within the Lemoore Union Elementary School District boundaries may apply for enrollment in a district outside of LUESD boundaries.
Employment Transfers/Allen Bill
California Education Code Section 48204(b) permits a school district to deem a pupil to have complied with the residency requirements for school attendance in the district if at least one parent/guardian of the pupil is physically employed within the boundaries of that district. To enroll a student in LUESD under the Allen Bill present a current paycheck stub or business license to the District Office and fill out an Employment - Related Transfer. Once admitted to residency, the student's transfer may be revoked only if the parent ceases to be employed within the boundaries of the district. As a resident, the student does not have to re-apply for the transfer to be valid.
Transfers can be turned in to or can be dropped off at any of the school sites or district office.
All policies and attendance areas are subject to change by the
Board of Education of the Lemoore Union Elementary School District