The Board of Trustees recognizes that students and staff have the right to a safe and secure campus where they are free from physical and psychological harm. The Board is fully committed to maximizing school safety and to creating a positive learning environment that teaches strategies for violence prevention and high expectations for student conduct, responsible behavior and respect for others. Schools shall develop and maintain a disaster preparedness plan, which details provisions for handling all foreseeable emergencies and disasters.
The school site council at each district school shall develop a comprehensive school safety plan relevant to the needs and resources of that particular school. Board Policy 0450
Comprehensive planning at each district school is necessary in order to focus school improvement efforts on student academic achievement and facilitate the effective use of district resources. The Superintendent or designee shall ensure that school plans provide clear direction and identify cohesive strategies aligned with school and district goals.
Further information regarding school safety plans may be found under California Education Code 32280-32289. In addition, should there be a request for further information regarding the LUESD Comprehensive School Safety Plans, please contact the Superintendent's Office at 924-6802.