Welcome to the Lemoore Union Elementary School District. It is an honor to serve the Lemoore community as the Lemoore Union Elementary School Superintendent. Our District is committed to do whatever it takes to ensure that every child is empowered with the skills and knowledge necessary to be successful in life. We believe in EACH ONE of our students in reaching their full potential. This will be accomplished by focusing on Every student, All staff, Committed to, High expectations, Oriented to results, No excuses and Excellence every day! We have established firm goals for our stakeholders in order to build a foundation of success:
Maximizing Student Achievement and Success
Providing a Safe and Nurturing Learning Environment
Maintaining a Supportive and Professional Teaching Environment
Fostering Positive Relationships and Customer Service; and
Maintaining Fiscal Health through Careful Planning
Our staff provides a caring and compassionate environment as well as a rigorous and challenging curriculum. We employ fully qualified teachers and paraprofessionals as well as support staff to meet the diverse needs of the students we serve. We provide state approved and Board adopted textbooks and access to supplementary supports along with one to one technology devices for our TK through 8th grade students.
We believe strongly that parent involvement plays a critical role in the growth, development, happiness and success of a child in school. We encourage and invite parents to become involved in our schools. In addition, communication between our parents, community and school is imperative. Please utilize the district website to assist you in obtaining valuable information in order to stay connected to your child’s school experience. The school calendar, upcoming events, student handbook and many additional links to daily school activities can be accessed from the website. Please feel free to contact us in person or by phone, letter, or electronic mail so that we may better serve the children of Lemoore. Names and contact information can be found on our website and by calling 924-6800.
We hope that this website is a useful tool for you to discover information about our schools, programs and services that we provide. We look forward to building our partnership with you in order to ensure a solid foundation of success for EACH ONE of our children.
Cheryl Hunt