Homeless Education Services

The McKinney-Vento- Education for Homeless Children & Youths act provides protections for students who are unhoused/homeless, including enrollment rights (see below: Rights for Students Who Are Unhoused).  The LUESD Homeless Services Office supports the enrollment, attendance, and achievement of students who are experiencing homelessness to ensure they receive equal access to educational opportunities.

Definition of Students who are Unhoused / Homeless

Students who have lost their housing are defined as unhoused/homeless if they lack a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence. This includes living in: emergency shelters or transitional housing programs; a public/private place that is not designed for or normally used as a place for sleeping (cars, parks/public places, abandoned/condemned buildings, bus stations, etc); motel/hotel, campground, or travel trailer due to a lack of alternative adequate accommodations; temporarily moved in with others due to a loss of housing or financial problems (eviction, job loss, etc).  This also includes students who live in the above situations and who are unaccompanied youth, runaways, children abandoned in hospitals, and migratory children.

Registering a Student Who is Unhoused / Homeless

A student who is unhoused/homeless can be immediately enrolled even if missing required documentation, such as birth certificate, immunization records, photo ID, etc.  If the documents are available, they can be submitted at the time of enrollment.  If the documents are not available, the student will be immediately enrolled with a Conditional Enrollment and grace period to turn in the missing documents.  High School Transcripts:  If missing transcripts, the student can choose to be immediately enrolled in grade appropriate classes or they can choose to delay enrollment pending receipt of their transcripts. 

For Student Registration:

LUESD Student Registration

Residency Questionnaire (hard copy available upon request)


Is a student or family experiencing a loss of housing? Submit a Referral or Housing Survey .

Homeless Services Referral Form

Please contact your school site’s homeless liaison if you need assistance with any of the following:

  • School clothing

  • School supplies

  • Food resources

  • After school care

  • Counseling

  • Health or dental care

  • Housing resources


John Raven, Assistant Superintendent - jraven@myluesd.net

Araceli Hernandez, Administrative Assistant - ahernandez@myluesd.net

(559) 924-6802

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