Just a reminder, Community Service hours are due tomorrow, Friday, May 13. All hours must be completely filled out on the forms and turned in prior to 4pm.
over 2 years ago, Liberty Middle School
Just a reminder, Community Service hours are due tomorrow, Friday, May 13. All hours must be completely filled out on the forms and turned in prior to 4pm.
Information on the 8th grade trip was given to students today. Please make sure the permission slip and admission fee ($15) are turned in by May 24. There will be a table on the outside amphitheater, where staff will collect from students. Spirit wear may be purchase at: www.liberty.spiritco.net
over 2 years ago, Liberty Middle School
Adventure Park Information
Hello 8th grade parents/guardians, if your student has not purchased their gown online or in person, please have them see Mrs. Roehlk at the front office. Gowns are $30, CASH only. A graduation gown is required in order to participate in the ceremony. As we want all the gowns to be ready for that day, and not delayed due to manfacturing and/or shipping issues, please see Mrs. Roehlk as soon as possible. If your student is planning on wearing a gown from their sibling, please also call in to confirm (559)924-6860. Thank you.
over 2 years ago, Liberty Middle School
Grad Gown front
gradgown back
Star Athlete Spotlight: Divine Rodriguez. At our last softball game on Wednesday, the opposing team, John Muir, was already short on players. Their only pitcher got injured during the game and this left them with no one else to pitch. Our own Divine Rodriguez volunteered to pitch for the other team without hesitation and stayed in their dugout for the rest of the game. The rest of our team was extremely supportive of this decision as well. Despite the fact that the Patriots won, this act of sportsmanship was the biggest victory of them all! Please help us celebrate Divine and the other softball players on their outstanding sportsmanship. Divine truly demonstrates PRIDE and proves every day that she is an amazing leader.
over 2 years ago, Liberty Middle School
Divine Rodriguez
Divine Softball
Congratulations to our Liberty Students of the Month. These amazing students exemplify all of our PRIDE expectations and we are so proud to have them here at Liberty.
over 2 years ago, Liberty Middle School
Congratulations to our Liberty Students of the Month. These amazing students exemplify all of our PRIDE expectations and we are so proud to have them here at Liberty.
We are so thankful for all the staff, students, and families that came to support our Liberty Baseball and Softball teams this season. It has been a great season for both teams. Thank you to Coach Senior, Coach Ballor and Coach Keel. We hope both teams qualify for the SAL tournament.
over 2 years ago, Liberty Middle School
softball team 2022
baseball team 2022
Yesterday, we were able to thank all our staff and the district at the employee appreciation celebration. We are so proud to have dedicated staff here at Liberty, that make a difference in our students' lives. Also a thank you to Jazz band for providing some amazing entertainment.
over 2 years ago, Liberty Middle School
Jazz band
more staff
Our Liberty Front office will be closed on TODAY, Monday, May 2, from 145pm to 3pm. We apologize for the inconvenience.
over 2 years ago, Liberty Middle School
Our Liberty Front office will be closed on Monday, May 2, from 145pm to 3pm. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Just a reminder community service hours are due May 13. Three hours are due after winter break, one which must have been completed on campus. These amazing students were able to complete some of their hours by helping out afterschool: organizing over 150 band uniforms.
over 2 years ago, Liberty Middle School
Just a reminder community service hours are due May 13. Three hours are due after winter break, one which must have been completed on campus.

These amazing students were able to complete some of their hours by helping out afterschool: organizing over 150 band uniforms.
Just a reminder, we start STATE CAASPP Testing tomorrow, Wednesday, April 27. All 8th grade students will be testing in their regularly scheduled science classes. ELA and math will follow. ELA State testing, tentatively starts on May 5th for all grades. Please make sure your student has a charged chromebook for testing, EVERYDAY.
over 2 years ago, Liberty Middle School
Just a reminder, we start STATE CAASPP Testing tomorrow, Wednesday, April 27. All 8th grade students will be testing in their regularly scheduled science classes. ELA and math will follow. ELA State testing, tentatively starts on May 5th for all grades.   Please make sure your student has a charged chromebook for testing, EVERYDAY.
Just a reminder tomorrow, Wednesday, April 20th, is 8th grade graduation picture day. Graduation pictures will be taken during student's regularly scheduled PE classes. A loaner gown will be provided for the pictures. Dress code still applies. A proof will be given to the student, at a later time, to take home. These will have instuctions on how parents can purchase online. Thank you.
over 2 years ago, Liberty Middle School
Just a reminder tomorrow, Wednesday, April 20th, is 8th grade graduation picture day. Graduation pictures will be taken during student's regularly scheduled PE classes. A loaner gown will be provided for the pictures. Dress code still applies.  A proof will be given to the student, at a later time, to take home. These will have instuctions on how parents can purchase online. Thank you.
SAVE the DATE - 8th grade promotion ceremony will be held on June 1st, at the Golden Eagle Event Center at West Hills College, in Lemoore. The ceremony will be starting at 6:30pm. If your student did not purchase their gown last night at Open House, please order it at https://southvalleygrad.typeform.com/to/bHpLuui7 Online prices are slightly higher due to transaction and shipping fees. There will be a $10 expedite charge for all orders placed after April 15th.
almost 3 years ago, Liberty Middle School
June 1st promotion ceremony
Thank you to all the families and friends that were able to join us at Open House. We had a great night with performances by Ukulele class, Jazz Band and cheer. We are also thankful for all that attended and purchased books, gowns, and food from our vendors that night. Have a great spring break. We will see all our patriots back on Tuesday, April 19.
almost 3 years ago, Liberty Middle School
Jazz band open house April 7
ukulele open house April 7th
cheer open house April 7th
Thank you to Kevin Bracy for the inspiring message he gave to our Liberty students today!! You could see how motivated and encouraged our students were, as they gathered to take selfies and autographs of Mr Bracy afterschool. Greatness is a state of mind.
almost 3 years ago, Liberty Middle School
Kevin bracy
Kevin bracy assembly
Our own Liberty teacher, Mrs. Avina was recognized as a nominee for Teacher of the Year, last night at the Excellence in Education Ceremony. Mrs. Avina advocates for all students and will do whatever she can to help them learn at high levels: from pushing into classrooms, to helping students in a group setting, or working with students in small groups. Mrs. Avina goes above and beyond to help students master the guaranteed standards. Mrs. Avina’s work with our Spanish speaking community is invaluable. Mrs. Avina is the “face” of the Liberty ELAC meetings and EL program. The parents of the EL students see Mrs. Avina as a trusted partner in their child’s education. We are so proud of her recognition and are honored to have her teach at Liberty.
almost 3 years ago, Liberty Middle School
Excellence in Education
Avina Teacher of the Year
Thankful for teachers and donations, so students can get books they are interested in. Our book fair continues until Friday, April 8th. Just a reminder that ewallets are available so students can safely buy books at the book fair.
almost 3 years ago, Liberty Middle School
ewallet information
spring book fair
This last saturday, both Winterguard and Percussion performed at the West Hills College Golden Eagle Arena for the South Valley Winter Arts Association SVWAA Championships. The Winter Percussion received the Silver Medal and the Winter Guard won the Gold medal. Congrats to all these students for working incredibly hard all season long! We are so proud of all of them.
almost 3 years ago, Liberty Middle School
winter guard
Just a reminder, today, April 4th is NOT an early out day. Friday, April 8th is an early release day for Spring break.
almost 3 years ago, Liberty Middle School
We are book fair ready here at Liberty. Please come and check us out, April 4 - 8, in the media center. Open during break, lunch and after school until 4pm. We have a PLINKO game afterschool. We will also be open during OPEN house on April 7th. 5:30pm to 7:30pm. Come support our school, so we can get more books into students' hands.
almost 3 years ago, Liberty Middle School
plinko game afterschool
spring book fair April 4-8
The Liberty Jazz Ensemble competed in their third and final festival of the season… The CMEA Jazz festival held at Hanford High School. The group was awarded a unanimous superior rating by the three judges scoring 90, 90, and 91 also handing out outstanding solo awards to students Aiden Delk(Guitar), Ben Raber(Tenor Saxophone), Eli Cabigao(Vibraphone), and Karolyn Delmendo(Flute). Congratulations to the end of a fantastic season. Come see the Liberty Jazz Band perform at open house, Thursday, April 7th at Liberty Middle School.
almost 3 years ago, Liberty Middle School
Jazz band award