First day of soccer tryouts had a great turnout.
Boys tryouts continue tomorrow 10/6, while the girls have day 2 tryouts on Friday.
Any A team volleyball players that are still interested should see Coach Ballor for tryouts on 10/11.
Hello Parents and Guardians
An Impact Aid Survey will be given to your student tomorrow, Wednesday, October 5th.
These surveys may allow us to receive federal funding to assist in program costs within our Lemoore Union Elementary School District. Please take a moment to complete, sign, date, and return to your child's Advisory teacher by Friday, October 7, 2022. We thank you for your time and cooperation.
We are getting ready for our next sport. Soccer tryouts start on Wednesday, October 5.
Girls: Wednesday 10/5 and Friday 10/7
Boys: Wednesday 10/5 and Thursday 10/6
All interested students MUST have a signed permission slip on the day of tryouts. Forms Available at Student Services or the Media Center. Students should be dressed in athletic wear or PE clothes for tryouts.
We start District Benchmark testing on Monday. Please make sure you have a charged chromebook for testing.
We had a great week with our parent teacher conferences. Students were treated to end of the day Fun Friday activities.
Have a great weekend, Patriots.
Jamba juice will be on campus tomorrow, Friday, September 30, afterschool. They will be selling smoothies by the flag pole until they run out.
Thank you for supporting our students.
Thank you to Kona Ice for coming to campus today and helping to raise funds for our campus activities
Come by our book fair in the media center. We are open until Friday and open during parent teacher conferences.
Don't want to send your student with cash, then set them up with ewallet so they can easily make purchases at our book fair.
Save the date for Picture Day: October 4th. Students will be taking pictures during their regularly scheduled PE class.
Students will be getting their picture packet information soon. Just a reminder that dress code still applies.
Just a reminder, we are on early out schedule, all week next week: September 26-30. School ends at 1:38pm.
Our Liberty Book Fair will also be open during break, lunch, and afterschool during Parent Teacher conferences, in the Media Center. Parent teacher conferences will be held in the cafeteria, at scheduled times.
Just a reminder about parent night tonight, Thursday, September 22 at 6pm
Update: Due to unforseen mechanical issues, Kona Ice will not be here today, September 21. They will be here next wednesday. We hope you can stay with us for the HOME Football Game.
We hope you can join us for our last Football Home game, tomorrow, Wednesday, September 21st.
Kona Ice will be on campus right after school, some of the proceeds will be donated to our ASB for student activites on campus.
Liberty Middle School students received paperwork for Parent Teacher Conferences today, Tuesday, September 20. These conferences will be held on September 26-September30, in the Liberty Cafeteria.
If you are unable to make the indicated scheduled time, please reach out to your student's advisory teacher or call the front office at (559)924-6860, to reschedule. Thank you.
Our Liberty Fall Book Fair starts next Monday, September 26th through the 30th.
It will be open during break, lunch, and afterschool during parent teacher conferences.
Thank you for your support.
Liberty Site Council Meeting is this Wednesday, September 21, starting at 3:15pm in the Liberty Office Conference Room.
Join us in recognizing Constitution and Citizenship Day!
On September 17, 1787, the United States Constitution was signed in Philadelphia and has served as our country’s foundation of law and democracy for the past 235 years.
This commemoration started in 1940, when Congress passed a resolution authorizing and requesting the President to issue an annual proclamation setting aside the third Sunday in May for the public recognition of all who had attained the status of American citizenship. In 1952 Congress repealed this joint resolution and passed a new law moving the date to September 17 to commemorate the signing of the Constitution.
Join a reminder to us for Parent Night next week, Thursday, September 22 at 6pm.
We will be discussing suicide awareness and prevention.
Please note this presentation is intended for a Mature Audience Only: Parents and Guardians.Some discussions may not be suitable for children.
It is time once again to fill vacancies within our School Site Council. Currently, we have two openings for the position of “Parent Member.” As members of the School Site Council, parents, teachers, students, and administrators meet four times per year to discuss school programs and the necessary funding sources for implementing the Single Plan for Student Achievement.
Parents/guardian can access the link via Parentsquare
Kings County Office of Education is hosting a Resource Fair for families on Thursday, September 15, from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m.
Learn about helpful resources available for families in Kings County.
Parents, care givers, teachers, case managers, and students are all encouraged to attend.