Today, Tuesday, February 7th, is foggy day schedule. School starts at 9am and ends at 3pm. Please drive safely.
almost 2 years ago, Liberty Middle School
foggy day 2/7
Some of our Liberty Band students participated in the Tulare-Kings County Music Educators Association (TKMEA) Honor Band this last weekend, held at Porterville High School's Buck Shaffer Auditorium. The band was conducted by Ms. Elisha Wells, director of bands at Fresno City College. 120 middle school and high school students were selected by audition back in December to participate; this included our students: Evan Valdeabella, Elizabeth Vonder Ahe-Cossey, Breanna Hull, Leo Amador, Zackary Ortuzar, Aurora Morshead, Sydney Bales, and Eli Cabigao. Zackary, Aurora, and Sydney are 2-year members, participating in the honor band, as both 7th graders last year and 8th graders this year. Congratulations to our students.
almost 2 years ago, Liberty Middle School
honor band practice 2023
individual photos honor band 2023
honor band performances 202e
Lemoore Union Elementary School District is currently taking new student applications for the 2023/2024 school year! This includes registration for children who will be starting transitional kindergarten or kindergarten for the first time and are not currently enrolled in our district. To access the Enrollment webpage, please start by visiting our website at and select "New Student Enrollment" on the homepage. Student registration information may be submitted through the Aeries Online Enrollment website on your computer, tablet or your mobile device. Parents are highly encouraged to register their child(ren) for kindergarten and/or transitional kindergarten by May 1st to ensure important information and opportunities are not missed. Each elementary school site will host a kindergarten parent orientation for registered students and parents/guardians. As a reminder, TK students who are already attending schools within LUESD will NOT need to complete this online registration for the 2023/2024 school year.
almost 2 years ago, District
tk k
Our Liberty Jazz Band attended the Mid Valley Jazz Festival, which featured over 30 middle and high school jazz groups from throughout the Central Valley. Both groups gave awesome performances for judges, parents, and students. Many of our students were honored with Outstanding Performance and Soloist Awards including Aiden Delk, Evan Valdeabella, Liz Vonder Ahe-Cossey, Brenna Hull, Zack Ortuzar, Aurora Morshead, Sydney Bales, Eli Cabigao, Xavier Martinez, Gavyn Costa, Leo Amador, and Jaida Ash. The students also got to attending a feedback session, solo improv clinic, and a sight reading session that were hosted by some of the best jazz educators in California. At the end of the two days, they awarded a middle school scholarship to the La Sierra Summer Music Camp and chose our Aiden Delk to be the recipient of this scholarship. Congratulations! We are so proud of our students and hope this was a valuable experience for all of them.
almost 2 years ago, Liberty Middle School
Aiden delk mid valley jazz festival
mid valley jazz festival 2023
We are on foggy day schedule today, Wednesday, February 1st. School starts at 9am and ends at 3pm. Students will still be math testing this morning. Please make sure they have a charged chromebook for testing.
almost 2 years ago, Liberty Middle School
foggy day 2/1
District Benchmark testing for Math will take place tomorrow, January 31st to Friday, February 3rd. Students will be testing in the mornings in their Advisory classes. Please make sure your student has a charged Chromebook for testing and gets a good night sleep.
almost 2 years ago, Liberty Middle School
Congratulations to our Liberty Winter Percussion and Winter Guard teams this past weekend. They competed at the South Valley Winter Arts Association show at Lemoore High School. Winter percussion placed 1st in their category, and Winter guard placed 2nd. We are so proud of their hard work and look forward to their next competition. Thank you to all of those who came to cheer on our students.
almost 2 years ago, Liberty Middle School
winter guard show 1 - 2nd place
winter percussion show 1 - 1st place
Today, January 27th is the last day to personalize or preorder your Liberty Yearbook at the price of $40. After 10pm tonight, the yearbook will be at the end of the year price of $45. Order them online at If you would like to recognize your 8th grader in the yearbook, now is your chance. All Ads will be printed in color. ⅛ - $40 ¼ - $70 ½ - $150 Create an account. Choose your ad size and layout. Enter your text and upload your photos. You don't even have to drop anything off at school. Space is limited and given on a first come, first serve basis. Hurry, the deadline is February 9, 2023.
almost 2 years ago, Liberty Middle School
order yearbook for 40. last day today 1/27
Come see our Liberty Winter Percussion and Winter Guard perform at the South Valley Winter Arts Association Competition this Saturday, January 28th, at Lemoore High School. General admission is $6. Please make sure to be on time to see our Patriots perform. For more information visit
almost 2 years ago, Liberty Middle School
Come see our Liberty Winter Percussion and Winter Guard perform at the South Valley Winter Arts Association Competition this Saturday, January 28th, at Lemoore High School.

General admission is $6. Please make sure to be on time to see our Patriots perform. 

For more information visit
We are on PLAN B for Foggy Day Schedule today, Thursday, January 26th. Morning buses are cancelled, but afternoon buses will resume as scheduled after school. School still starts at 9:00am and ends at 3pm.
almost 2 years ago, Liberty Middle School
We are on PLAN B for Foggy Day Schedule today, Thursday, January 26th. Morning buses are cancelled, but afternoon buses will resume as scheduled after school. School still starts at 9:00am and ends at 3pm.
We are in foggy day schedule today, Thursday, January 26. School starts at 9am and ends at 3pm. Please drive safely with your lights on.
almost 2 years ago, Liberty Middle School
We are in foggy day schedule today, Thursday, January 26. School starts at 9am and ends at 3pm. 

Please drive safely with your lights on.
Save the Date: February 10 Liberty Middle School will be having their semiformal dance on Friday, February 10; 4:30pm to 6:30pm Students are encouraged to dress up for the dance. Entrance $5, students will need a signed permission slip in order to attend. Those forms will be sent out shortly.
almost 2 years ago, Liberty Middle School
Winter Wonderland Dance Feb 10
For 8th grade students interested in attending Lemoore Middle College High School, applications are now available. Deadline is January 26th. Click on the link for the application.
almost 2 years ago, Liberty Middle School
We are on foggy day schedule today, Wednesday, January 18. School starts at 9am and ends at 3pm. Just a reminder to have a charged Chromebook for testing today in your student's regularly scheduled Ela class.
almost 2 years ago, Liberty Middle School
We are on foggy day schedule today, Wednesday, January 18. School starts at 9am and ends at 3pm. Just a reminder to have a charged Chromebook for testing today in your student's regularly scheduled Ela class.
There is no school on Monday, January 16, in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day. School resumes on Tuesday, January 17. We will be starting benchmark testing that day, please make sure your student has a charged Chromebook Thank you and have a great weekend.
almost 2 years ago, Liberty Middle School
no school 1/16
Due to the rainy weather, all basketball games will be played inside the gym for today's home game, Wednesday, January 11. Please note the approximate start times for the games. 3:30 Both B teams 4:30 A team Girls 5:30 A team Boys Due to the limited seating, Liberty students that are not players or cheerleaders will be unable to attend. Parents and guardians are still welcomed. We apologize for the inconvenience.
about 2 years ago, Liberty Middle School
Due to the rainy weather, all basketball games will be played inside the gym for tomorrow's home game, Tuesday, January 10. Please note the approximate start times for the games 3:30 Both B teams 4:30 A team Girls 5:30 A team Boys Due to the limited seating, Liberty students that are not players or cheerleaders will be unable to attend this first game. Parents and guardians are still welcomed. We hope that Wednesday will be a better day so that all of our students can cheer on their fellow Patriots, comfortably. We apologize for the inconvenience.
about 2 years ago, Liberty Middle School
Welcome to the new year 8th Grade Liberty Parents and Guardians By the time you know it, your students will be graduating from Liberty If you would like to recognize them in the yearbook, now is your chance. All Ads will be printed in color. 1/8 page $40 1/4 page $70 1/2 page $150 Simply go to Create an account Choose your ad size and layout Enter your text and upload your photos You don't even have to drop anything off at school. Space is limited and given on a first come, first serve basis. Hurry, the deadline is February 9, 2023. Also just a reminder, Yearbooks are still on preorder for $40 until January 27th. After the 27th all preorders will be at the end of year price of $45.
about 2 years ago, Liberty Middle School
yearbook ad in english
yearbook ad in Spanish
Merry Christmas from all of us at Liberty Middle School. Enjoy this clip of our Liberty Choir singing "Do you want to Build a Snowman" at the Liberty Band Concert on December 14.
about 2 years ago, Liberty Middle School
There were some great santas and some great elves today. We hope all our students have a happy holiday break. We will see all our Patriots back on Monday, January 9th.
about 2 years ago, Liberty Middle School
ugly sweater
ugly sweater day 2
ugly sweater day 3
ugly sweater day 4