March 28, 2020
March 27, 2020 ~ 9:00 AM Kings County Community: Earlier this month, Kings County school district superintendents, with the support of their boards of trustees and in consul...
March 28, 2020
Friday, March 27, 2020
Dear Lemoore Union Elementary School District Families,
As we come to the end of our second week of school closure, we continue to think of EACH O...
March 23, 2020
Dear Lemoore Union Elementary School District Families,
As we end our first week of school closure, I hope this communication finds you and your family doing well. Over th...
March 19, 2020
Thank you for your patience while we work to provide support to our students during this challenging time. As a reminder, these are recommended daily schedules and are voluntary...
March 17, 2020
Dear Lemoore Union Elementary School District Parents and Community,
Our district leadership team has been working hard to support the next steps as part of our school district...
March 15, 2020
🥗 During the COVID-19 school closures, LUESD is offering a free lunch to all children under 18-years old beginning Wednesday, March 18th. Children must be present to receive a lunc...
March 14, 2020
LUESD Health Services Department Page with COVID-19 Information.
March 14, 2020
March 13, 2020
Kings County Community:
The 2019 novel coronavirus (COVID-19) has caused great anxiety in our schools and communities. While local health officia...
March 12, 2020
The Lemoore Union School District continues to assess the constant changes and status of the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19) in California. The heightened awareness of this v...
February 24, 2020
Monday, March 2nd, Permission Slips will be available to pick up from the school office after school / LAST DAY to turn in Permission Slips will be Monday, March 16th at 8:300 AM ...
February 24, 2020
Read... Read... Read... / February 19 to March 23 / Earn a ticket to the Grizzlies Game on Saturday, April 18th at 6:50 PM
February 13, 2020
Candy Order PICK UP on Wednesday, April 1st, in the cafeteria, 2:30-4:30 PM.
February 6, 2020
Catch up on the latest news from LUESD!
Click here for the entire newsletter
January 31, 2020
Tuesday, February 4th at Engvall Elementary / Game Starts at 3:00 PM
January 24, 2020
Friday, January 31st - RED Shirt Day - Everyone wear your RED Shirt!!!
January 22, 2020
Thursday, February 6, 2020, 11:00 AM to 9:30 PM / ON LINE Orders will not earn us a donation / Come and Help Support Cinnamon Elementary PTC / 20% of Proceeds with be Donated / Mu...
January 22, 2020
You are invited to share coffee and conversation with LUESD Superintendent Cheryl Hunt. This is an open opportunity for parents to meet informally to share ideas to support academ...
December 19, 2019
Thanks to the efforts of Lemoore Mobil, Cinnamon Elementary has been awarded a $500 ExxonMobil Educational Alliance Grant to support our school's math/science programs. Lemoore M...